Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What it Means to Go Out of Your Way

If you've wondered about the name of the blog - It's Not Out of My Way - I have to say it came as a surprise to me.

One day, I shared a story about my dad, and his generous nature. How he would go above and beyond to help someone, and never say a word about it. A friend of mine said the story was inspiration to be just a bit kinder. I replied that she was very kind and thoughtful, and probably didn't have to do more.  But that I appreciated the reminder that going the extra mile isn't that hard.

Then it came to me. Sometimes going out of our way.... is seldom really out of our way. It's probably the path we're meant to take.

Once I mulled it over, I realized that's exactly the message I want to share here. I strive to be like my dad, in helping others, in going out of my way to make a difference somewhere, for anyone.

Likewise, my EoE diagnosis certainly seems like going out of my way. I have to take extra care to avoid even more foods while we work to figure out what is causing this extreme reaction. Once again giving up foods that don't seem to cause any reaction.

But it's not so terrible. Yes, it's inconvenient, and sometimes it's not easy. But eliminating or avoiding foods is simply about discipline. That's something I know a thing or two about!
It's the path I'm supposed to be on, even if it seems ridiculous.

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