Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year - Extreme Resolutions pt 2

Anyway, back to resolutions.
Here they are for 2015:

I have decided that I need to work on my faith life.
I really need to work on my budget.
And here's the doozy. As part of working on my budget, I'll not buy any clothes in 2015.

What. What?!

I know. In fact, right now I can only say I'm going try not to buy any clothes in 2015. I really don't know how long I can hold out. Let's face it, one emotionally tough week, and I'm going to want to soothe my soul with TJMaxx! It's a pretty high standard.

It's okay. Between my diet and EoE, I've got discipline down. To acheive real discipline, there have to be healthy exceptions. I am giving myself permission to buy clothes in August and September in preparation for my trip to Italy in October.
Of course, I can buy clothes in Italy because momma needs her long-awaited first-ever leather jacket! Maybe a custom suit. Shoes. Oh yes, Italian shoes!
I'd like to treat myself to my first StitchFix in preparation for the Italy trip. They can find me the perfect packables for my first trip abroad! (Do you know about StitchFix? Here's my referral code if you want to try it out! Disclosure, I will receive credit toward a future StitchFix if you order yours through my referral code. But that's cool, right?) 

In the meantime, I have two closets full of clothes. More than enough. Even Mother Teresa would shame me publicly, both for having so many clothes and for wanting to buy more!

To make the most of this exercise, I'll work on whittling down my wardrobe to the most useful, most beautiful, most flattering pieces. Making the best combinations with what I have. Ideally, I'll end up with a healthy Capsule Wardrobe as it was all the rage among mommy bloggers in 2014.

I think it may take me all nine months to determine a Caspsule Wardrobe suitable for packing for the trip.  (The biggest challenge for me is nailing down the wardrobe for that traveling temperature.) 
I'll post my outfits along the way and hope for input from any readers!

For now, I do feel good about the clothes I have. Mostly.
I have a very stylish, younger co-worker, who when she sees any of my new purchases, insists I should have bought two - one for her! It's a joke, but in reality, she actually would trust me to choose her wardrobe. That's a high compliment in my book. We have given each other our cast offs, and it's like a whole other shopping spree!

I bought a lot of stuff last year, in a mis-guided effort to "complete" my wardrobe. I went for higher quality than I usually allow myself to afford.
The ugly truth is, when I'm out shopping, I think the next best item is not only going to solve my wardrobe wants - I'm really hoping it will complete ME.
Other people eat their feelings. I buy clothes. I wouldn't say I have an actual compulsion - just that if I'm identifying the problem, that's probably not far off. That and the fact that I appreciate both bargains and good deals. There's a distinction. A bargain is under $15. A good deal is between $25 - $50 for better brands.

It should be an interesting experience. I've practiced this discipline before during lent. If I can do it for 40 days, do you think I can do it for a year?

Let's find out!

Here's the fine print: No new clothes in 2015. 
Exceptions: 1-Underclothes are allowed if in need of replacement, including socks, nylons and tights. 2- I'm allowed to have my existing clothes tailored, particularly if I lose more weight, and shoes can be repaired.  3- I can accept cast-offs from friends. 4- If I'm really in need of something particular, I can borrow from a friend, or buy something from a second-hand store. 5- I can purchase up to 5 items to complete my traveling wardrobe for Italy, but only in August and September up until my travel date in October. 6- I'm allowed to purchase special finds in Italy.

Restriction includes shoes, with the exception of accommodating my foot condition, with inserts and such, or if the condition of existing shoes becomes desperate for the health of my feet.

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